Friday, January 15, 2010

States Travelled maps

Sometimes it is fun to look back and see what places and states you have flown your airplane to. I have used two different methods to look back in time.

This is also the time of year that I start thinking about long flying trips for the rest of the year. These maps can help me think of new places to fly and help me remember some of my old favorites. is a site dedicated to aviation and actually has the ability to list comments on airports. It can also be used for people traveling as passengers in airplanes.

Here is my map from this website:

Here is another more generic site for generating a map of states that you have been.

Here is my map using this method:
States Flown to

For me, it is definitely a little bit lopsided near where I live. Lots of places left to explore, especially in the East and Northwest.


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